I currently conduct psychotherapy services online.

Treatment philosophy
My personal philosophy about psychotherapy services is to help individuals build the life they want through values-guided work, acceptance, and compassion. Balance in life, a sense of well-being, and connection to what matters most are important parts of what it means to live well.
Treatment approach
My theoretical orientation is in line with the Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (or CBT). CBT is an umbrella term for a number of interventions. The type of CBT I practice is called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or ACT. ACT is evidence-based for a number of different challenges and diagnoses that people experience.
What happens in ACT is described in its name. ACT sessions are interactive and focused on desired life goals. The work done in session is on changing the relationship with yourself using acceptance and mindfulness processes, while also engaging in personal commitments linked to behavior change. The overall goal of ACT is to reduce suffering by increasing flexibility and living a more meaningful, values-based life.
ACT work includes:
- Increasing flexibility in the service of meaningful living
- Focusing on thinking and the role that thoughts play in your life
- Learning to live with awareness, being more mindful of choices and behavioral changes
- Acceptance of self Imaginal and behavioral exercises
- Learning to track and change behavior in line with values

Treatment mode
ACT sessions are interactive and focused on desired life goals.
ACT is more than sitting and talking about whatever comes to mind during a session, instead sessions focus on life change with specific targets to make that possible. Typically clients will be expected to engage in activities outside of therapy that promote healthy change.

Specific trauma treatments
While I work with clients with various life problems and diagnoses, I specialize in providing services directly related to recovering from trauma. Trauma treatment involves a range of evidence-based interventions, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Therapy for couples
I provide therapy to couples seeking help, wishing to strengthen their relationship, solve challenging problems, or improve communication. The goal will be to change your relationship for the better or assist in an amicable separation.
Getting started with psychotherapy services
If you’re initially hesitant to seek out help and support for personal matters, you are encouraged to reach out and ask questions that can serve to help you take the first step.
Life isn’t always easy – finding meaning and connection in life is the path to living well.